

  • 时间:2024-05-18 15:01:23
  • 来源:大鳍下载中心
  • 作者:大鳍下载中心
  • 您的位置: 首页 > 游戏攻略 > 王者荣耀夏侯淳出装及铭文搭配推荐








    The Shadow Axe can greatly increase the output of Xiahou Dun, not only increasing attack power and providing life, but also reducing skill CD, which is very practical for Xiahou Dun. The unknown sign and the hegemony are defensive equipment. After having a good output, consider improving Xia Hou Dun's endurance ability. The unknown sign can provide high life and armor to prevent long-range kiting. Xia Hou Dun himself is relatively easy to be kited by opponents, so it is still necessary to have an ominous sign in the later stage. The hegemony greatly improves survival ability and can cooperate with the passive effect of rejuvenation armor for good healing ability. How should Xia Hou Dun choose his inscriptions? Xia Hou Dun's inscriptions are mutation (red), concealment (blue), and void (green). Xiahou Dun's inscriptions are chosen to enhance his output direction, improve early-stage damage output while making up for endurance through equipment choices. Therefore, inscription selection leans towards enhancing output.


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